
Harness self-awareness for success.

My leadership resources will help you drop the act, embrace compassion, and contribute positively to the world around you. Explore below.

Leadership in Adversity
Phil Pallen Phil Pallen

Leadership in Adversity

Whether you’re a department chair, division chief, or head of an organization, there will inevitably be unforeseen obstacles that test you as a leader. I invite you to embrace those challenges as an opportunity to strengthen the leadership skills of you as an individual and of your teams.

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Ways to Understand Yourself Better
Phil Pallen Phil Pallen

Ways to Understand Yourself Better

If you want to be an effective leader, it’s going to require you to be more effective in certain behaviors, which often starts with understanding yourself.

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How to Have a Tough Conversation
Phil Pallen Phil Pallen

How to Have a Tough Conversation

While no one traditionally enjoys tough conversations, they’re necessary for growing ourselves and others. Here are some recommendations I often share with clients:

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What is Leadership?
Phil Pallen Phil Pallen

What is Leadership?

In the many years that I've been guiding individuals and shaping cultures, I've come to realize that there is a fundamental misunderstanding about the definition of leadership. Let's explore this.

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