Leadership in Adversity

Adversity can make or break your team.

Whether you’re a department chair, division chief, or head of an organization, there will inevitably be unforeseen obstacles that test you as a leader. I invite you to embrace those challenges as an opportunity to strengthen the leadership skills of you as an individual and of your teams.

Here are some recommendations to help you get through it:

1. Be inspirational.

It’s easy to be negative. It’s easy to point fingers. It’s easy to list out all the things that are “wrong.” You know what’s not easy? Choosing to be motivational when things go south. When you embrace optimism, possibilities emerge. Your team pivots from a mindset of defensiveness to one of problem-solving.

2. Aim to unite.

You know the saying: A team is as strong as its weakest member. Instead of creating silos or, worse, animosity, you as a leader have the power to bring all team members together. You’ll be able to learn from varying perspectives and get the best out of each individual. This helps not only individual development but your organization as a whole.

3. Be someone people can trust.

Leadership is a two-way street. People won’t bring their best selves to work if they feel like they’re walking on eggshells. In order for you to help others maximize their personal development, it’s on you, the leader, to create a safe environment where guards can be lowered. You can develop trust by being readily available, open, and honest with your team. Once that trust is established, you can provide feedback that’s actually heard.

Remember: When you can unite and motivate the brilliant minds on your team, even in difficult circumstances, anything is possible.


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